Jul 14, 2010

John 15:10

[Jesus said]
"if you obey my commends, you will remain in my love,
just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remaind in His love."
-John 15:10-

Thought :
Love is not just a feeling. Love is action. For believers, the action that most shows our love for Jesus is for us to be obedient to Hisr words, His will, and His example.

Prayer :
Father, thank you for showing your love in Jesus. Thank you Jesus for showing us how to love our Father by obeying His will and honoring His word. Today I wil consciously live in obedience to Your will. Please receive my actions, my words, and my thoughts as my offering of praise to You. In Jesus' name. Amen.


atanotonogoro said...

halo kakak, comment pertama nih. semangat! (:

ratieh said...

Ata : haloo lil'sis..iya nih, masih sepi pengunjung, baru dibikin jg blog'a. hehe..thx ya uda mampir =D