As usual, i spent my weekend (esp on Sunday) with my BF Ivan. And yesterday, we spent the day at Sunda Kelapa Harbour. Before we went there, we had lunch at Mak Syukur. Sate Padang is one of our fave food. =)
Sate Padang & Ice Lemon Tea..uummm yummy!
After lunch, we decided to go to Sunda Kelapa Harbour. I have prepared my digital camera too, so i can take pictures there.
Here are some pictures i taken over there.. =D
Here are some pictures i taken over there.. =D
The day was late, and we were getting ready to go home. On the way to home, we stopped at Mangga Besar. Suddenly, i want to eat durian. So, i bought 2 Durian Medan and i'll eat it all alone. haha... i coomeeee!!! =D
ratieh cocok jd foto model lho..:) fotonya bagus2...
haha..model apa ce?? aku malahan ga bisa gaya gt a.k.a mati gaya. =P
sate padang juara banget rat...hoohoh..bisa 2 piring sekali hantem. Bumbu kuahnya itu loh yang bikin aku tuh demen banget.
Sayangnya pas hamil ngurangin tuh, sate gak terlalu baik di konsumsi ibu hamil :(
untungnya sih gk pengen-pengen banget, jadinya bisa lah.. :D
oh, kalo lg hamil ga boleh makan sate mba? kenapa mang'a mba? wah, 9 bulan harus nahan ga makan sate. hehe..
soalnya daging sate kan dibakar makanya tingkat kematangannya kurang..gitu deh
oh, gt ya mba? harus puasa sate ya, ntar bis melahirkan balas dendam makan sate mba. hehe.. =P
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